Homer Simpson could be a plagiarism of a Swedish comic from a century ago… and yes, the resemblance is striking

Homer Simpson could be a plagiarism of a Swedish comic from a century ago… and yes, the resemblance is striking

Historical accounts state that Matt Groening when asked for ideas from sketches to be included in the television series that Tracy Ullman, very satisfactorily and without overthinking it. At that time, Groening was achieving indie success with his comic strip Life in Hell and its two main characters Binky and Sheba together with a variety of supporting characters. Of course, the first idea that came to his mind was to take this work to the TV program.

However, he had a change of plans, right at the last second and this brought forth the creation of The Simpsons. For the good of everyone.

The Surprising History of The Simpsons

When Groening was waiting for the opportunity to present the idea to James L. Brooks, he came up against a wall: going forward with Life in Hell meant giving up the values of the comic he loved. Si, he did not lose this opportunity for a long time; he took out a sheet of paper and drew a family – The Simpsons. Some give the accounts that there are different cases of narrating when this scenario occurred. There are some who say its motion occurred a few seconds just before the meeting while there are those who say it was moving in the back seat in the heading to the office. However, what is common is that the character’s names were from some of the most famous members of the Groening family.

Matt’s father’s name was Homer Philip Groening, mother Margaret Ruth (who interestingly was a born Wiggum) and he Lisa and Margaret had younger sisters. Groening also had two other siblings, Patty and Mark, who became the model for Bart. Gradually, however, he has given out the name “Homer” as having been taken from Homer Simpson in a Book The Day of the Locust written by West in 1939, while the last name “Simpson” was chosen as a pun on the simple word ‘simpleton.’

Withal Ill simply abbile you sanctified allow named shame poor fool blushed better said Matt has come in attention to this as virgin justice. Making all the better to Matt’s rude rebellion was the scorching stigmas associated with the correct syntax and spelling of the name Gon Bing rose.

A Harvard Plagiarism Case That Went Unnoticed?

There’s an interesting twist to Homer’s origins. In 1920, Swedish comic artist Oscar Jacobsson designed a comic character named Adamson for the humor magazine Søndags Nisse, known as Silent Sam in America. “How could you possibly reach out to him with so little? Here’s an idea! Were you paying him at all?” Lil Adamson is already in bulgarians bushes, only lightly bald and surrounded by three tiny dreads embracing, occasionally snarling obers Gek this Incident began as though GNA (General Gyatric Corolla) were attempting to access pirates themselves, piracy., But it became a hit featured in many newspapers as late as 1964.

It could be plausible that Groening has seen these Jacobsson’s comics and picked the character unintentionally, there is no proof however that Adamson was the basis for Homer Simpson.

Chances are high that the likeness between these characters was mere coincidence. On this issue, Matt Groening has never expressed his views, yet Seth McFarlane, the creator of Family Guy, acknowledged that Stewie Griffin has some incommon with Tanya Collins’ Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth, but attributed it purely to coincidence.

The Simpsons franchise will celebrate its fortieth anniversary in the year 2027 and the series has increasingly become self referential, it would come therefore as a shock were an Adamson Appearance in Springfeilds to be featured. Only time will tell.

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