“The Batman was a real movie.”  Paul Dano is optimistic about the supposed fatigue of superhero movies

“The Batman was a real movie.” Paul Dano is optimistic about the supposed fatigue of superhero movies

A lot has changed since Jon Favreau’s Iron Man first established the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in 2008. This movie ignited a craze for superhero films in Hollywood and transformed comics film, a niche genre, into one of the highest grossing sections of the industry. Down the line, this pattern has also attracted stars, who earlier kept away from similar projects, like Paul Dano.

Paul Dano’s Unique Perspective Regarding The Upcoming Superhero Genre

One of the more recent actors to venture into the world of superheros, and a caped figure with a mask, is Paul Dano who portrayed the character of The Riddle in Matt Reeve’s latest film The Batman. From Dano’s perspective, it was simply Reeves’s film that had a narrative thick plot and its texture which he could sense much early.

Dano: while discussing the perspective of him and the rest of the audience on the film in question aptly and interestingly notes: “I was confident, this is the actual plot of the movie, even as early as reading the script, just this is an actual film.”

  • “There is no doubt that Hollywood makes many similar movies and people already know what to expect. When one is going through the script of Batman, it is straightforward, there is every opportunity of making a film not simply an ordinary film but a beautiful one. You simply can’t make a film without knowing how to make it.”*

Superhero Exhaustion Was A Chance To Reestablish The Idea

Because of 15 years dominating cinema space and the public, interest exceeding the level of saturation, major part of critics and audience termed this phase as “the superhero exhaustion”. A certain subset of content has become tedious now and should be avoided in the future and this is not necessarily terrible, as Dano proves this point:

  • “It’s actually quite a unique period where each person is waiting for someone else to figure out the next step. Superhero movies have become very popular and it would be fantastic if someone pulled out some unique elements into them or into some other movie altogether.”

There will certainly be some great movies in the pipelines but still, “We are in a good space.”*

A Passing Critique of the Hungriness with the “Content” Approach in Hollywood

Other than the comic book films, Dano was annoyed by the distribution of products and markets bringing into perspective the ‘content’ craze. Dano argues this starts with filmmakers or at least the masses filming.

“The moment the term ‘content’ became synonymous with what we do, which is movies or television – it invariably became more about the quantity than the quality, and I believe that was a tremendous error. I certainly do not need that as a viewer or as an artist,’ Dano states.”

Such diction from Dano’s criticism has been heard from the legendary filmmakers like Martin Scorsese, who have been warning against the over commercialization of the craft of storytelling in the age of over the top content generation and materialistic production.

Dano actively argues for the need to make masterful films, while Matt Reeves already has raampaged about the limits and the prospects of the expanding genre. Well, with everything combined, there will definitely be progress in the genre and will certainly hope to tell more gripping stories.

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